Then, if another person came in the same room, have you ever wondered why they might not see it like you do and want to change it until THEY get the "that's it" signal? Well, when a designer friend of mine came over one day, we were discussing my furniture arrangement. She wanted to do something like this:

I felt more comfortable with an arrangement like this:

She admitted that she prefers to have furniture arranged on a DIAGONAL. I like my furniture arranged at right angles! I think it is rather amusing.
Which one are you?? Leave a comment and share your preference!
Thanks for stopping by,
Color me confused, I guess. I'm a Square. Who's intrigued with the look of Diagonal. And would love to experiment with it. ,-)
Aunt Amelia
"Won't you come into my garden? I would like my roses to see you." ~~Richard Sheridan, 1751-1816
Oh Peggy, this made me laugh because I am some of both. I just love to mix it up!!! LOL
Hugs, Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)
PS...I LOVE THE PINK HOUSE....when can we move in????
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